We ship our metals to various metal recycling companies in the region. We are constantly shopping for the best prices among buyers, in order to pass on better prices to our customers.
We have the capacity to weigh and unload both large and small loads of metals. We prefer your loads be sorted into the different types of metals when you arrive. However, if you should need assistance with this, we will be happy to help.
*If you have a local business that generates metal waste, or have a large metal cleanup project, call us today about getting one of our rolloff containers delivered to your site!
We offer container drop offs & pickups for temporary, one time cleanups. These are good for home owners, ranch cleanups, construction site cleanups, etc.
We also offer long term bins to businesses/companies. These are good for businesses that generate recyclable metal waste like plumbers, electricians, construction companies, auto body shops, etc. That would like to continually recycle their metal waste. Call us when your bin is full, and we replace it with an empty container!
We ask customers to call us for more information.
Please be sure to have your drivers license (or any government issued photo ID) with you for each trip you make to our site. In order to receive payment for your metals, we are required by state law to obtain a copy of your ID.